Why Company Culture Matters When You’re Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

Why Company Culture Matters When You’re Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

Why Company Culture Matters When You’re Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

June 16, 2017

There are many factors involved in how businesses hire digital marketing agencies. While RFPs, preferred vendor lists, and prior relationships are still strong factors in hiring an agency, company culture is gaining traction as well.


The Millennials have arrived

Millennials have become the largest generation in the U.S. workforce. With this shift, the millennial workforce has commanded a dynamic adjustment in the way businesses operate both internally and externally. Now more than ever, developing a strong company culture is critical for businesses. This emphasis on company culture isn’t just essential for hiring and retaining employees—it’s becoming a powerful factor for businesses hiring agencies.

A vibrant, cohesive company culture can signify employee satisfaction, a clear mission, and a positive workspace. These are qualities that make agencies great to work with—and that’s why more and more businesses are looking for a strong culture when vetting an agency.

Are you looking to hire a new agency partner? Look for organizations that clearly reflect their culture through their people and their processes in the following ways.


1) Location

A bustling, urban location has a significant impact on attracting and retaining top talent. Digital marketing agencies located in cities are typically more attractive for partnership opportunities.

Plus, hitting up a local bar with your agency to celebrate a great quarterly report is always a plus.


2) Identity

Find out what makes your agency tick. Don’t just think about how they’d work for your business—ask about their core values.

A good client-facing team should be able to list their core values immediately and include examples of how each value applies to their day-to-day work. (Shameless plug: Check out our core values.)

You should also ask the agency what they do outside of the confines of their office. Do they participate in charities and fundraisers? Do they play softball during the summer?

A greater understanding of the team culture beyond the 9-to-5 routine helps you get a better feel for the agency overall.


3) Opportunity

From internships to senior level management, ask about the agency’s opportunities for continuing education. These opportunities should be transparent and tangible.

When a digital marketing agency encourages their team to constantly learn and grow, your business will be working with the best in the business. Talented team members will stick around for longer and account for less account turnover; this builds stronger client relationships.



If you’re looking to hire a digital marketing agency, don’t just ask to see their case studies. Ask about company culture. A strong company culture will lead to a long-term agency partnership. If you have any questions (or you’d like to get to know the Perfect Search culture better!), contact us.

Don’t forget to check out our complete guide to vetting agencies.

Director, Business Development
Born and raised in Oak Park, Illinois, Tim Wagner is an Illinois State University alum with a passion for sports, Goodfellas, and mid-century design (obviously.) His beard makes an appearance five months of the year.

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