How to Optimize For Mobile In a Mobile-First World Infographic

How to Optimize For Mobile In a New Mobile-First World [Infographic]

How to Optimize For Mobile In a New Mobile-First World [Infographic]

August 25, 2016

“The shift to mobile is no longer happening, or will happen—the shift to mobile has happened.”—from the Google AdWords blog.

The search giant has spoken. Maybe it’s no surprise to those of us (present company included) who use their phones as a compass, restaurant guide, and a way to make it through the morning commute, but we live in a mobile-first world now.

Amidst Google updates to search ads and the search engine results page that emphasizes the mobile experience, it’s clear that mobile and search are inseparable companions. But mobile-friendliness is way more than just a sleek mobile-responsive design or shorter contact forms.  

Get the facts for yourself. Learn some cold, hard stats on just how important mobile is, mobile-friendliness best practices, and even some helpful tools. Shout out to our Senior Designer/Wizard Anna for its beauty. 

No need to squint. Click to enlarge the infographic below.


How to Optimize For Mobile in A New Mobile First World Infographic 


All aboard the mobile-first train! Any questions or mobile-friendly tips you want to share? Tweet us at @Perfect_Search.


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