Team Member Spotlight: Laura Cain | Perfect Search Media

Team Member Spotlight: Laura Cain

Team Member Spotlight: Laura Cain

Get ready to develop your knowledge of business development and the kickball team with the best name (and potentially the worst performance). In this month’s Perfect Search team member spotlight, we’re focusing on our Senior Manager of Business Operations, Laura Cain.


1) What are 3 work tasks you love doing? What's the most challenging responsibility you have?

One of the best parts about my job is that it's constantly changing. I typically work on big projects for a period of time and once they're finished, I jump to the next one.

One of my favorite projects was working on our new site redesign; it was really satisfying to coordinate the entire project with our Designer Anna and our Developer Zach, in addition to working with a photographer and writing the content.

I also manage our Business Development team. It's fun to collaborate as a group on new strategies and processes that we can implement to improve our sales process. While this is an enjoyable part of my job, it can also be the most challenging, as sometimes processes that we work extensively to implement don't always give us the results we're looking for. 


2) How do you further your business development knowledge?

I'm always searching for various resources that will give me new perspectives or tips on business development. Blogs like HubSpot or Business Insider typically have quick and insightful posts, whereas books like Traction by Gino Wickman give a more specific, in-depth look at processes.

I also find that it's helpful to research other digital marketing agencies, and to really look at what they're currently doing on their sites to draw in new customers. However, no matter how much material I read, I never know what will work without testing it.

We're big on implementing new business development processes with the understanding that they won't all work out—and that’s okay. It's better to try something, decide it doesn't work, and gain insights from the test to continually improve processes than to not test anything at all.


3) What are some things everyone should know about business operations & business development?

Like I mentioned above, testing is key. Results may surprise you!

If you're not organized, you won't be selling to your full potential. Consider using a CRM like Salesforce to help manage your sales funnel, and make sure you customize the CRM to fit your specific needs. 


4) What are your top 3 Perfect Search memories?

1. My favorite times of the year at Perfect Search are around holidays. We do random activities and it's an extremely fun time to be at the office. Every Halloween we have a costume contest (I won last year, no big deal) and get treat bags and play games. We also always have a holiday party at a really fun venue in the city, exchange gifts, and dress up. We also celebrate other holidays like Cinco de Mayo (shout-out to Jose at Taco Burrito King for the hookup every year) and everyone's birthdays.

2. I always look forward to our weekly Thursday afternoon meetings. Every week, we discuss various articles related to our industry, and then participate in some kind of activity.

Sometimes a coworker will present on a topic, sometimes we'll watch a Ted Talk, and other times we'll participate in some kind of team building activity. (Thank you to Anna for being a great teammate and drawing a fantastic pitbull from my sub-par description at a Thursday meeting a while back!) Some Thursdays we'll all hang around the office afterward, playing ping pong and other games and drinking a couple of beers.

3. I want to say playing on our Kickball team the Pay-Per-Kicks (get it?) is one of my top memories, but our pretty poor performance casts a bit of a rain cloud on the memory. At least we won one game.


5) If you could do, see, and go anywhere for an ultimate vacation, what would your itinerary be? 

I honestly think I would try to hit up as many countries as possible, Amazing Race style. I think it would be amazing to experience tons of local customs, stay in hostels, but then every now and then stay in a really nice place to recharge. I'd love to get Patagonia, Easter Island, Vietnam, Thailand, and Croatia on the itinerary.



In awe of Laura’s smarts and eager to get more of her advice? We don’t blame you. Check out her posts on vetting digital marketing agencies and what your startup needs before investing in digital marketing.

How do you expand your business development knowledge? What’s your ultimate vacation itinerary? Tweet us at @Perfect_Search.  

We love our Perfect Search team. While we're all different, our team loves fierce kickball games, a good ping-pong rivalry, and Thursday meetings featuring Catchphrase and Summer Shandys. Find out more about our employees, our culture, and our personality here.

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