Perfect Search Media Internviews: Fall 2015

Perfect Search Media Internviews: Fall 2015

Perfect Search Media Internviews: Fall 2015

Drumroll, please. It’s time for the second installment of “internviews!” Like, intern interviews. Or, interviews with our interns. On board? Cool. We interviewed our Search & Social Advertising Junior Analysts, Christina Giusti and Quinn Dolan.

Get some words of wisdom about the best sandwich in the world, what not to put in guacamole, and why it's important to stay on top of digital marketing trends. Want to learn more about other Perfect Search interns? Check out the Internviews of Summer 2015. Then don’t forget to check out our internships in digital marketing & data analysis and sales & business development


Christina Giusti, Search & Social Advertising Junior Analyst

Where are you from and what's one of your favorite places to visit when you're home?

I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  My favorite place to visit is Primanti Bros, Restaurant to get the tastiest sandwich in the world- a cap & cheese. (Google it). 

What are three things you've always wanted to do? What about three things you'll never ever do again? 

I want to visit the Galapagos Islands.  I want to go on a Gangster Ghost Tour here in Chicago.  I want to learn how to design video games (I'm serious). 

Although I've never had cheese and broccoli soup, I will probably never have it again.  My friend recently relayed a harrowing tale of her broccoli soup food poisoning. I will never again dress as Guy Fieri for Halloween or for any occasion for that matter.  It was too scarring for everyone involved. Finally, I will never again buy a dog from a breeder.  Adopt your pets from a shelter, y'all!

What's your super-secret talent?

I am a human jukebox.  I can sing the lyrics to nearly any song you throw my way.

What's been your favorite memory from the internship experience so far?

I really enjoyed learning about Google and Facebook Audiences.  It's crazy to see how they record and categorize your internet usage.  With all the online shopping I do (well, more like online browsing), I'm sure I fall under the "fashionista" category.

What are the most important things you've learned about digital marketing? What about the most surprising thing you've learned? 

One of the most important things I've learned is to always be looking forward.  This can mean staying on top of current digital marketing trends or always pushing yourself to think of next steps for your campaign. Regardless, it's vital to continuously educate yourself in order to become a truly innovative and successful marketer.  In my opinion, nearly everything I've learned about search engine optimization has been surprising.  I never had any idea what factors played into SEO, and I swear I'll never look at any website the same way again.


Quinn Dolan, Search & Social Advertising Junior Analyst

Where are you from and what's one of your favorite places to visit when you're home?

I hail from the town of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin (a.k.a. BROconomowoc, a.k.a. The Real OC), which, loosely translated, means "more cows than you can shake a stick at." Besides stopping at the dive bars to catch up with my favorite locals (Hi, Sasha!), whenever I’m home I absolutely love spending time on Lower Nemahbin Lake. The welcoming waters and scintillating sunsets leave nothing to be desired.    

What are three things you've always wanted to do? What about three things you'll never ever do again? 

I’ve always wanted to grow a mustache, bike across the U.S., and see the earth from outer space (I still want to be an astronaut when I grow up).

Never again will I eat an entire bag of Doritos in one sitting or drink a 4-year-expired 5 Hour Energy. Also, I once accidently made guacamole with parsley instead of cilantro. Never again.

What's your super-secret talent?

I’m really good at telling horribly punny jokes. Even better, I can make crazy realistic cricket noises when no one laughs. Chirp chirp chirp.

What's been your favorite memory from the internship experience so far?

My favorite memory is when Doug and I beat Eric and Anthony in doubles ping pong. For whatever reason, they haven’t played us since. Too busy or too scared? I’ll let you be the judge. In all seriousness, though, bonding with coworkers through table tennis and other activities are the memories I cherish most.

What are the most important things you've learned about digital marketing? What about the most surprising thing you've learned? 

The most important thing I’ve learned is that digital marketing is always changing, and therefore, it’s crucial to keep up-to-date with the industry’s latest news and trends. The most surprising thing I’ve discovered is the plethora of data available through Google Adwords and Analytics. It’s almost creepy how much they know...That being said, it’s always fun to explore and analyze all of the metrics and insights these platforms provide.


Do you have a super-secret talent? Tweet us @Perfect_Search or email us at [email protected]. Don't forget to explore the current internship openings!


We love our Perfect Search team. While we're all different, our team loves fierce kickball games, a good ping-pong rivalry, and Thursday meetings featuring Catchphrase and Summer Shandys. Find out more about our employees, our culture, and our personality here.

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