ReStockIt | Reflection
How ReStockIt Improved Account Efficiency With New Paid Search Strategies

Case study:
Paid Search


ReStockIt wanted to improve their paid search campaign efficiency while also improving their ROAS.

Our strategy

“Google Analytics has a nifty cross device tracking feature. Make sure you know what it’s all about.”

Emily Lutz
Analyst, Search & Social Advertising

Perfect Search increased Shopping Campaign spend on branded searches and decreased inefficient non-branded spend.

We set up remarketing display campaigns to target previous visitors to website who did not originally convert

We set up Dynamic Search Ad campaigns with targeted product groups

We increased spend to top SKUs of the company and decreased inefficient spend in general terms and products

We established and tested Bing Shopping and Search ads


“We found the team to be very collaborative and really current in what’s happening in e-commerce.”

Tushar Adya
President & COO, Dylan's Candy Bar

97.7% decrease in spend

55.5% increase on ROAS

86 new customers from display remarketing

What this means for your business

B2B and e-commerce businesses can see a high ROAS when they balance the efforts between branded campaigns and high-performing products in Shopping and Search campaigns. Always ensure that you’re constantly evaluating your paid search strategy and trying new features and channels.


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