DiscountMags | Reflection
How DiscountMags Switched to a Manual Paid Search Strategy & Increased Revenue

Case study:
Paid Search


DiscountMags came to us from another agency. This agency had been using an automated bid management system that optimized for profit through an API. DiscountMags was also looking for ways to grow their business.

Our strategy

Perfect Search structured Google Shopping campaigns so each magazine had its own ad group, resulting in a total of over 1,000 ad groups. The team optimized each magazine bid individually, rather than by magazine category.

We customized ad copy for various holidays, including Black Friday.

Our team made manual CPC bidding as opposed to automated bidding. We also made keyword-level optimizations and paused keywords and product groups that were unprofitable.

We made bid adjustments to ensure the highest ROAS (return on ad spend) and utilized clickshare to determine specific areas of growth.


12,652 increase in YoY purchase orders in December

Discount Mags Case Study Graph

$346,931.50 increase in YoY revenue orders in December

What this means for your business

Custom bids and expert search management can make a big impact on revenue and ROI. Still using automatic bid management? It's time for a change.

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