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On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.
Edward Snowden, a formed NSA contractor, spoke to thousands of viewers at SXSW, defending his leaking of NSA data which he argues improved US. National Security by exposing its shortcomings.
Whether you're advertising for Saks Fifth Avenue or a boho fashion boutique, pay-per-click advertising is one of the best ways to increase online sales. Read on to learn how and why PPC advertising is effective & cost-efficient for retail.
A personal-professional twitter (PPT) account is an account that is created for business purposes that utilizes the advantages of personal account characteristics. PPT accounts have an advantage over traditional brand or business accounts because they allow users to connect with a person rather than corporation.

The impact of online reviews for restaurants on social sites such as Yelp and Urbanspoon is undeniable, and it’s simply bad business these days to ignore reviews. Not only is it a poor business move, but there are actually advantages to responding and listening to reviews! Here are the top 4 tips for maximizing the potential of online reviews.

If you're thinking about redesigning your website, there are various terms that you should be familiar with before working with an agency. Here's a list defining various web design and development terms and why they're important for you to know.

A strong medical marketing strategy should differentiate from strategies of other industries.

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