Digital Marketing Blog | Industry Trends & News | Perfect Search™
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On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.

Optimizing a website to rank higher in searches is obviously important to increase traffic and, in turn, ideally conversions. There are many things that go into optimizing a website, but there is one aspect that deserves special attention: keywords.

I think that bounce rates get a bad rap. I do always prefer a low bounce rate to a high one, but sometimes a high bounce rate isn’t such a bad thing.  Let’s dig in to what a bounce rate is a bit.

If you aren't already using remarketing campaigns you are lagging behind your competitors. However, there are many ways to optimize and leverage your remarketing lists and campaigns that many people are not aware of.

A good website starts with good photography. It allows for a company to showcase its brand in an extremely visual (and often unexpectedly artistic) way, and for people to connect with the brand on a more personal level.

Check out this info-graphic that visualizes the 3 tips to increase organic traffic for beginners.

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