Perfect Search Media Internviews: Summer 2015 | Reflection

Perfect Search Media Internviews: Summer 2015

Perfect Search Media Internviews: Summer 2015


Perfect Search Media is excited to introduce a new series: the internviews! (Like, intern interviews. Interviews with our interns. You get the picture.) For our first installment, we interviewed our Summer 2015 Interns--Chase Wilson, a rising senior at the University of Chicago, and Helen Liang, a rising senior at Northwestern University.

Check out their words of wisdom on the use of cilantro in scrambled eggs, the dangers of pole vaulting, and the importance of constantly rethinking digital marketing strategies. Then take some advice from us: learn more about our awesome fall internships in digital marketing & data analysis and sales & business development!

Chase Wilson, Digital Marketing & Data Analysis Intern

Where are you from and what's one of your favorite places to visit when you're home?

I'm from Jenera, Ohio, a tiny (about 200 people) rural farm village. It's not a village in a straw hut sort of way, but you get the idea. One of my favorite places to visit when I'm back home is Tu Pueblo, a Mexican restaurant in a nearby town that, incidentally, closed down two days before I last visited home.

What are three things you've always wanted to do? What about three things you'll never ever do again? 

I have always wanted to skydive, to perfect a skill at some point in my life, and to be in better shape. I will never again put cilantro in scrambled eggs (seriously, it's terrible), I will never watch Lost, and I will never get knocked out again while pole vaulting.

Where do you see yourself after graduation?

I would like to take about a month off after graduation and travel around somewhere, and then hopefully come back to a full time position at a great place to work.

What's your favorite memory from the internship experience?

My favorite memory is obviously slamming the ball (twice!) into Ajay's face during a game of Around The World. In all seriousness, though, it was probably a conversation I had with Ajay after a Thursday meeting once. I thought it was really cool that he would take time out of his schedule to just sit and talk about whatever came up.

What are the most important things you've learned about digital marketing? What about the most surprising thing you've learned?

The most important things I've learned are that you can never be too detailed or look too hard into the available data. There's always a new angle you can look at the situation from and learn more about what to do next. The most surprising thing I learned was that SEO is almost an art form and that there are entire jobs dedicated to the text on web pages.

 Helen Liang, Digital Marketing & Data Analysis Intern

Where are you from and what's one of your favorite places to visit when you're home?

I'm from Beijing! I like to go to karaoke with a couple of friends; we sing and act silly.

What are three things you've always wanted to do? What about three things you'll never ever do again? 

I've always wanted to start a wedding planning agency with my BFFs, learn graphic design, and publish my writing. I'll never have any desserts from Shake Shack, I'll never enroll in summer courses again (I still have an essay to write), and I'll never go ice skating again. I can't balance even though I've tried more than five times.

Where do you see yourself after graduation?

This question is so hard to answer because I'm not good at planning my future. I might find a job, but at the same time I want to stay in school as long as possible. I might like to study psychology in grad school.

What's your favorite memory from the internship experience?

There are so many memories! I guess instead of a favorite memory, what's most valuable is how I felt and what I learned. For me, knowing that I am doing the right thing according to my own values is more important than following orders or others.

What are the most important things you've learned about digital marketing? What about the most surprising thing you've learned?

It's important to reflect on current strategies and improve on them. One thing I'm proud of is suggesting the use of using weighted averages instead of the average we previously used, which made data analysis more accurate. Although this was a small revision, this made me realize the significance of rethinking.


What are three things you'll never do again? Comment in the section below, email us at [email protected], or tweet at us @perfect_search! Don't forget to check out our internship openings and apply to be a Perfect Search intern today! 


We love our Perfect Search team. While we're all different, our team loves fierce kickball games, a good ping-pong rivalry, and Thursday meetings featuring Catchphrase and Summer Shandys. Find out more about our employees, our culture, and our personality here.

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