Get to know Perfect Search’s newest team member, Maria. Junior Analyst Maria Valencia is a Northwestern student from Colombia with a penchant for Club Penguin and ABBA's hit song Dancing Queen.
1) What's on your college bucket list?
Even before I started college, I knew I wanted to double major and take advantage of the different academic fields and opportunities Northwestern has to offer. Fortunately, this has been something I have already been able to check off my bucket list.
Gaining relevant work experience through internships is also on my college bucket list, and I am glad I have the opportunity to explore marketing in a professional setting, as well as an academic setting through my Integrated Marketing Communications certificate courses. And, last but not least, another thing on my bucket list is to graduate!
2) What's your favorite internship task so far? What's something you're excited to learn more about in digital marketing?
I have really enjoyed the different training sessions and assignments. The emphasis on learning has made this internship a rewarding and enriching experience. Right now, I am excited to learn more about social media advertising, because, as an active social media user, I have always been curious to learn more about how I am targeted and shown frighteningly specific ads.
It has been exciting to learn about digital marketing because it is something we are all exposed to whenever we go online. Now, whenever I Google anything or see sponsored ads on Facebook and Instagram, I understand the work that is going behind what is popping up on my screen.
3) If you could invent any app, what would it be called and what would it do?
Living on-campus with the ridiculous "no pet" policy has made me realize how much I miss being able to spend time with cute animals. My app would be called Play Date (a working title) in which dog (or other animal) owners would let you spend time with their pets, so you don't have to be sad and lonely.
4) If you could live in any historical era, which would you pick? What would you want your life to be like?
I like living in our current era, but if I had to choose a different one, I think I would like to live in the 1970s mostly because of the fashion trends of the time. Wide leg pants, platforms heels, and over-the-knee boots are definitely my style.
I would imagine myself as being really into the disco lifestyle if I were living back then. However, I do love my iPhone too much, and I am not sure I would give up the perks of living in the 21st century.