Perfect Search Media Internviews: Fall 2018

Perfect Search Media Internviews: Fall 2018

Perfect Search Media Internviews: Fall 2018

Perfect Search Internviews Fall 2018

 We've got a new round of Perfect Search's internviews (you know, like intern interviews) just in time for Halloween. Read on to discover their dream Halloween costume.


Michelle Yun, Junior Analyst

1) What's on your senior year bucket list?

I want to travel with a group of friends before the school year is over. This year is probably going to be one of the last times my friends and I are in the same place at the same time, so it would be fun to plan a trip during one of our breaks. Last year I tried to organize a snowboarding trip, but it didn't work out. Maybe I'll try again this winter! 


2) What's your favorite internship task so far? What's something you're excited to learn more about in digital marketing/design?

My favorite task so far is taking campaign data from Google Ads and making pivot tables on excel. I know it sounds boring, but I actually liked it! I made the mistake of not planning out the build beforehand, so I made a lot of errors the first time. But after I got my data in order, I realized how useful pivot tables are because they are super organized and make it easy to pick out patterns.

Oh, another small task I enjoyed was brainstorming ad copy for a client that sells dog chews and treats because it made me appreciate brands that have clever and funny (but not cheesy) puns on their ads. 


3) What's your favorite website or app? What's one thing you'd do to improve it?

I have two favorite apps, and both have to do with photos. First, I love the app VSCO because they have awesome presets and editing options all in one place. It's annoying to have to use multiple apps to edit one photo, but VSCO has the full package. I accidentally purchased a one-year subscription of all their presets, so now I have over 120 of them.

Second, I love Google Photos because it saves photos in the cloud and frees up space on my phone, creates cool animations of burst photos, and allows for easy sharing of photos. However, one annoying thing about Google Photos is that it saves and exports iPhone Live Photos as videos, so I would change that. 


4) If you had unlimited resources, what would be your dream Halloween costume?

You are what you eat... I would DIY an intricate Chipotle burrito bowl costume and recruit a friend to be a bottle of Tabasco sauce. 


Andrew Skalitzky, Junior Designer

1) What's on your senior year bucket list?

Number one on my senior bucket list would definitely be to graduate! I actually haven’t put a lot of thought into a senior bucket list. That being said, I want to camp out on the Lakefill one last time, preferably when it’s warm out. Having a rain-free Dillo Day would be great because at this point I’m 0 for 3. Ultimately I’d like to finish off my senior year enjoying time with friends before we go our separate ways and have job prospects I’m excited about. 


2) What's your favorite internship task so far? What's something you're excited to learn more about in digital marketing/design?

It’s tough to pick a favorite. I worked on a UX audit for a client's website page last week. It was an awesome challenge to take the current and optimize it, without completely changing it. I’ve also really enjoyed being able to work on task outside of design. Writing some Facebook ad copy this week was awesome. I got to step out of my normal realms of creativity and try something new!


3) What's your favorite website or app? What's one thing you'd do to improve it?

I’m actually pretty minimal with the apps I have on my phone, so I’m going to go with a website. I am always looking at for cool new products. They have a pretty solid E-Commerce site, but kinda wish they’d shake it up a little bit! There are so many (like way too many) cool and innovative products, their UX deserves to be as well.


4) If you had unlimited resources, what would be your dream Halloween costume?

With unlimited resources, I would definitely have a two-part costume. Everybody knows a mid-day costume change is the move. I’d probably be a superhero so I could be their secret identity in the morning and then, BAM, super suit after lunch. I have to stick with my Marvel characters and go as Logan as the first and Wolverine in full X-Men attire as my second. 

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