Facebook Messenger Ads Have Arrived | Perfect Search Media

Facebook Messenger Ads Have Arrived—Here's What Your Business Needs to Know

Facebook Messenger Ads Have Arrived—Here's What Your Business Needs to Know

February 10, 2017

Facebook recently released two new advertising options on…the Facebook Messenger app. With over one billion monthly active users as of July 2016, this becomes another platform deserving of your attention. Find out how and why businesses like yours can increase customer reach and engagement on this new platform.


Newsfeed ads to Messenger

This option allows advertisers to drive users from their news feed directly to a Messenger thread. The ad contains the Messenger icon as a call-to-action button.



Advertisers create a customized greeting for those who click through to Messenger. The conversation is handled by your created Messenger bots, which you can learn more about here.

Targeting options are the same as standard news feed ads.


Sponsored Messages

The other option for Messenger ads is to set up Sponsored Messages. This ad type is meant to re-engage customers that have sent messages to your business page within the last 6 months.



The ad appears in their Messenger inbox and contains a single image with a headline, sub-text, and call-to-action. Advertisers must choose an objective of either “Increase traffic” or “Conversions” with Messenger as the selected ad set placement.


Why try Facebook Messenger ads?

Both Messenger ad options capitalize on Facebook’s untapped user base on Messenger while emphasizing the social media platform’s unique engagement opportunities that aren’t available on other paid search avenues. Here are some ways you can try it out:

  • Businesses looking to re-engage an already strong customer base can advertise new offerings or promotions via Messenger ads.
  • Remarketing via Messenger can provide an avenue for customers to ask questions and clear up any hesitations for a high-involvement, high-investment purchase.
  • Regardless of the number of “Likes” on your business page, interacting with your customers on a more personal level can result in more satisfied and loyal customers in addition to further engagement on your business page and website.



Any questions about Facebook Messenger ads? Wondering how your business can try them out? Contact us.

Director, Search & Social Advertising
Eric Yarnik is a Northwestern University Alum who considers writing the Perfect Search Ping Pong Power Rankings Column to be one of his favorite tasks at work. If he had to pick one fictional character to be friends with, it’d have to be the one who lives in a pineapple under the sea.

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