Jessica Barrett | Reflection

Posts by Jessica Barrett

Google lists 62,200,000 results for the search “resume tips,” yet I don’t believe that everyone knows exactly what hiring managers, recruiters, and HR professionals are looking for. It's time you find out.

Let’s face it. The digital marketing industry is much more competitive now than it was fifty years ago. (If you don’t understand why, I suggest looking up some information on the history of the internet).  

Getting familiar with the technical skills of your coworkers can feel daunting—but it’s really not. Luckily for you, I’ve itemized the ways I approach learning about digital marketing even though I don’t work directly with the subject. Check them out below and try incorporating these strategies into your own workflow.
As Manager of Employee Engagement, two things make me really happy: a strong company culture and really good soup. By following these onboarding tips, you’ll help your newest hires have a warm and welcoming start that makes them excited to be a part of your team from day one.
The seemingly endless opinions on the New York Times Amazon exposé have brought to light an important question for people trying to establish and sustain a productive environment and positive work culture: how can anyone be sure how policies, whether formal or informal, are impacting employees? As an insider to crafting and understanding organizational culture, the answer is a simple twist on a popular expression: Ask the people, stupid!

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