Eric Yarnik | Reflection

Since we’re Premier Google Partners and have access to the beta (#humblebrag, #sorrynotsorry), we’ll fill you in on the new AdWords interface. 

Facebook recently released two new advertising options on…the Facebook Messenger app. With over one billion monthly active users as of July 2016, this becomes another platform deserving of your attention.

As the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election winds to a close (cue a collective sigh of relief), it’s safe to assume there will be many books written on the historic nature of this election season.

Whether you’re new to paid search and social advertising for your business or you’ve been in the game for a while, you should always think about the most important numbers to track. Study up on conversions now.
With recent reports that marketing spend on the display network will overtake spend on the search network on 2016, you might be wondering how this is possible. Most within the digital marketing industry would agree that search and social advertising are generally higher priority and higher performing compared to the display network.

Back-to-school season isn't just a time for students and their parents. Check out these tips and ensure that your paid search campaigns make the grade.

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