Drew Gorenz | Reflection
Missed the 2019 Google Marketing Live keynote? Never fear. We took notes for you.

It’s already difficult to compete against the endless stream of rival search results fighting for the same keywords on Google and Bing, but you also need to ensure that you don’t compete against yourself.

Social media ad spend accounts for 25% of all digital advertising, so it's important to nail it. In order to spread the wealth, I’ve put together four tips to make sure you level up your social media advertising.

three plastic bottles on a video graphic

Video advertising has saturated the market over the past year and the market for video advertising is expected to keep growing.

Don’t let writer’s block get the best of you. Want to keep your Facebook ad copy fresh and engaging? Try something new.

There’s a wealth of published research on the art of persuasion and how people make decisions. While this sounds like something you glossed over in Psych 101, it has real-world consequences—especially in the e-commerce industry.

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