Design | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
Your ease recognizing brands (big and small alike) is not by accident. An analysis of major brands will bring us closer to the designed reasons for this.
Need a design muse? Look no further--our Web Designer Anna's got you covered.
Emphasis is relative. In order for one thing to stand out, another has to be de-emphasized. Here are some core principles in visual hierarchy that will help you focus your website in the right direction, and help your design stand strong.
Web Hosting is your website’s gateway to the world. The quality of a host is more than just their actual cost, so a great way to examine hosts is by what your website or application actually needs to do. Here is a list of providers, and the pros and cons of each.

Web Development involves a combination of constant communication with clients and expert knowledge in many distinct fields. Because so many different specialties are required to build a website, numerous roles are needed.

Color is a pivotal component in designing a website. The tone has to fit that of the company or brand, and it can be challenging to get a good balance of colors that are harmonious with one another. The following is a list of resources to help you get started in choosing a color palette that works for you.
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) and blogging platforms used today. To expand and improve the functionality of a WordPress site, you can choose from thousands of plugins. Below is a collection of the top five most essential plugins that every developer should have.

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