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On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.

While enterprise businesses have plenty of advantages, they also face their own set of issues. Read on to learn how you can avoid enterprise-scale SEO pitfalls and dominate the SERP.

When's the last time you checked up on your site's old content? It's not ancient history. Here's why updating old content helps your site.

What's the best way to win localized search results? Stay away from duplicate, irrelevant local doorway pages. Look to one-of-a-kind "unicorn" content.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to keep certain pages off a search engine results page (SERP) and hidden away in your domain. Is your world shattered yet?
It can be hard to balance your internal responsibilities and make sure you’re getting the most out of your agency relationship. I’ve compiled a few tips about how to make the most of your relationship with your digital marketing agency.

Earlier this month, Google announced a slow rollout to a “mobile-first index.” What does this mean? Don’t we already live in a mobile-first world?

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