SEO | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
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On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.
When trying to understand SEO, one of the biggest difficulties is that it's both practical and theoretical. As a search engine optimizer, it’s my prerogative to come up with strategies and tactics that I know by experience have proven to work.

Many Digital Marketing companies raise a red flag when the word ‘backlinking’ is uttered. However, the reality is that backlinking strategies are not always black and white. Reciprocal links represent the gray area.

Being a newcomer to the world of SEO, I’m finding that staring at rows of data within Google Analytics can be hard to relate back to how users actually navigate a website.
Google recently had quite the busy weekend when they launched TWO algorithms. And, instead of keeping these updates to themselves and leaving the SEO world to speculate, they straight up told everyone that their newest search algorithm updates were live.
The need for businesses to have a mobile presence is evident. So, the question isn’t “Should my company invest in a mobile presence?”, but “How should my company invest in a mobile presence?” Here are some pros and cons of responsive sites vs. mobile apps.
Here are some digital marketing tricks to deal with the fierce competition online among dentists.

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