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On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.
Although Google’s algorithms are far more complicated today, links still matter. They might not matter quite as much as they did ten years ago, but they’re still an essential component of any SEO strategy.
If you’re a webmaster or SEO guru, you’re probably awaiting the highly anticipated Google Penguin 4.0 update. After all, it’s the most exciting penguin news since the heartwarming (and definite tear-jerker) 2005 documentary March of the Penguins.

In the summer of 2013, the Perfect Search team was struck by curiosity--curiosity over what online products and services people searched for in their day-to-day life. Check out our data and infographic below. Discover what online products your 2013 self might have been searching for.

Over the years, Search Console has become more important to webmasters as well as the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) community. The best way to familiarize yourself with Search Console is to dive right in and create a free account. The more time you spend exploring Search Console, the easier it will be to understand how search engines perceive and configure websites.
There are a few things SEO analysts do every single day: eating breakfast, reading up on SEO news, and evaluating title tags. Title tags are especially crucial for eCommerce websites because they help generate relevant organic traffic to certain product pages you want people to visit.
If you’re a fan of Instagram or pop culture think pieces, you’ve probably heard about the recent controversy surrounding Instagram celebrity Josh Ostrovsky, more commonly known as The Fat Jewish. The controversy surrounding Ostrovsky serves as a useful parable for all content marketers.

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