SEO | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
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On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.

As the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election winds to a close (cue a collective sigh of relief), it’s safe to assume there will be many books written on the historic nature of this election season.

Before “Googling” became a verb, before Google developed page-ranking algorithms, and before Google became the backbone of today’s digital marketing infrastructure — how the hell did search engines work?

They say SEO is dead, huh? While there may be somewhat less control over organic rankings these days, SEO is still effective for local businesses. Today, we’ll discuss one of the lesser utilized forms of SEO – local business schema.

I wish it was Friday. I wish my hot pocket was done already. I want everything now--and that's why Google AMP exists.
Penguin. Panda. Hummingbird. No, we're not talking about the latest exhibitions at the zoo. We're talking about Google's search result ranking algorithms that crawl your web pages in order to rank them.
Metadata. Sounds fancy, right? It seems like some sort of crazy technical code that only a senior web developer understands—but that’s not the case. No need to fret any longer, my fellow non-developers.

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