Digital Marketing Blog | Industry Trends & News | Perfect Search™
google logo with bert in the middle of the 2nd o
On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.
GDPR Data File

Personal data is a touchy subject right now. But as digital marketers, it’s not one that we can ignore. A lot of digital marketing is based on collecting personal data available on the internet in order to target potential customers. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to do our jobs.

Animation of a Google machine

 If you missed the keynote, here’s the rundown of Google’s biggest announcements on features that will be available to your business soon.

Animated web of Google's knowledge graph

Google is trying to improve user experience by optimizing the Search Engine Results Page to bring you what it feels is the only information your search needs.

IGTV graphic

Instagram recently announced the launch of IGTV, a new feature that allows users to post up to an hour of vertical, permanent video.

Google Shopping campaigns

Recently, Google announced the rollout of a new type of automated AdWords Shopping Campaigns. This is an exciting change for an essential platform that many e-commerce businesses rely on.

Google Search Console Indexation Coverage report

A few months ago, Google rolled out a new Search Console with plenty of new features for webmasters to explore

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