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Instagram's growing ad share reminds us of the ever-changing landscape of social advertising. Check out these tips to take full advantage of Instagram Story ads.
Two recently new advertising platforms of note include Instagram advertising (or “Instagram for Business”) and Snapchat Advertising. Given the popularity and acceptance of the two social networks, their respective advertising platforms are expected to grow in usage as marketing departments learn how to best utilize the interfaces.
After receiving negative feedback from users about promotional posts, Facebook has stated that they will be decreasing overly-promotional posts in users’ News Feeds starting this month. This will drastically change social media marketing strategies since promotional posts often serve as free advertising opportunities for businesses.
Keeping up with trends in the digital marketing industry may not be on your agenda, but consider the following steps to enhance your online presence, gain more followers, increase revenue, and build brand awareness.

As a social media marketer, it can be frustrating to hear others say that social media offers no business value. Some people may not believe that engagement or social interactions can lead to an increase in sales.
Edward Snowden, a formed NSA contractor, spoke to thousands of viewers at SXSW, defending his leaking of NSA data which he argues improved US. National Security by exposing its shortcomings.
A personal-professional twitter (PPT) account is an account that is created for business purposes that utilizes the advantages of personal account characteristics. PPT accounts have an advantage over traditional brand or business accounts because they allow users to connect with a person rather than corporation.

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