Social Media | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
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Instagram's growing ad share reminds us of the ever-changing landscape of social advertising. Check out these tips to take full advantage of Instagram Story ads.
Timing is everything when it comes to making a lasting impression on social media users with increasingly shorter attention spans. Successful marketing wins over online audience with well-timed tweets, captivating photos and/or simple Vine videos.
Growing up, we’re always taught that it’s important to learn from our mistakes. Sometimes, it’s better to save yourself the trouble and learn from the mistakes of others. Check out these real life content marketing mistakes, ranging from “oopsie daisy” to full-on, slow-motion train wreck.
With more and more features updating Facebook and Twitter every few months, it’s clear that the platforms want to move far beyond their original missions. In fact, it seems as if both Facebook and Twitter are striving to become the one all-encompassing social media platform to end all platforms. And yet, by doing so, they’re becoming more and more similar to each other.

Social media is great for many things: staying on top of world news, watching videos of very cute owls, and letting your grandma keep tabs on you. But did you know that social media can also help with your SEO?

At the beginning of 2015, Pinterest announced the implementation of their Promoted Pins program after several months in beta. Here are some reasons to consider using Promoted Pins for your business.

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