Social Media | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
phone with a wallet on top, money with wings flying away
Instagram's growing ad share reminds us of the ever-changing landscape of social advertising. Check out these tips to take full advantage of Instagram Story ads.
three plastic bottles on a video graphic

Video advertising has saturated the market over the past year and the market for video advertising is expected to keep growing.

YouTube Sponsorship

YouTube audiences don’t tolerate insincere sponsorships from content creators. They came to YouTube for videos from real people—and breaking that trust has consequences.

Facebook and Instagram time tracking

Facebook & Instagram rolled out a time-tracking feature. Finally, something that tells us how much time we've spent scrolling...

The Speed Update & Instagram’s decimation of Snapchat have something to tell us: You don’t have to be bad to fail. You just have to be worse than the competition.

Facebook Analytics

Facebook Analytics got a facelift a few months back—but it might still be new to you. Still getting a hang of it? Read on.

GDPR Data File

Personal data is a touchy subject right now. But as digital marketers, it’s not one that we can ignore. A lot of digital marketing is based on collecting personal data available on the internet in order to target potential customers. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to do our jobs.

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