SEO | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
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On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.

Besides looking up shark facts, prospective students are also using their access to information to search for colleges--and they’re starting those searches early. 

Google+ is over (except for this surprisingly active pepper lovers community)—but Posts on Google are in. Find out how you can use Posts on Google to promote your business.

A third of all searches performed on Google are for images, which means that images aren't just for show - they're important for the success of your website. 

60% of searches happen on mobile--and 20% of those are voice search queries. Voice search is only getting bigger. Here's why it matters for your business. 

Dive into the A, B, C's of A/B testing and how your business can incorporate it into your digital marketing strategy now.

When you’re developing a website, you tend to be more concerned with the nitty-gritty of getting the site to, you know, function than getting it noticed. However, it’s important to incorporate SEO best practices into your new website.

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