SEO | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
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On October 27th, Google rolled out the BERT algorithm update. Here are our major takeaways.
Technical SEO Checklist

Building a strong technical foundation is the backbone of any successful SEO strategy. Need some guidance? Here’s a handy 7-step technical SEO checklist for 2019.

SEO & UX Optimizations

The line between user experience and SEO is and has been blurring in recent years. SEO is more than just about getting a lot of traffic to your site. 

With the rollout of the mobile-first index this year, ensuring that your site follows mobile best practices is more important than ever. 

New Google Search Console

Still struggling with the new Google Search Console? While the new and improved version has been officially out of beta since September 2018, you’re not alone.

Learn about how the ever-growing Internet of Things will impact analytics, search and social advertising, and privacy.

Every day, there's more content published online than you could read in a lifetime. And yet, most marketers feel like their content isn't effective.

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