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Check out our Internviews Part II to get to know Junior Analyst Jasmine Ramos and Junior Copywriter Sarah Kincius!
Drumroll, please. It’s time for the second installment of “internviews!” Like, intern interviews. Or, interviews with our interns. On board? Cool.
The seemingly endless opinions on the New York Times Amazon exposé have brought to light an important question for people trying to establish and sustain a productive environment and positive work culture: how can anyone be sure how policies, whether formal or informal, are impacting employees? As an insider to crafting and understanding organizational culture, the answer is a simple twist on a popular expression: Ask the people, stupid!
Perfect Search Media is excited to introduce a new series: the internviews! (Like, intern interviews. Interviews with our interns. You get the picture.) For our first installment, we interviewed our Summer 2015 Interns--Chase Wilson and Helen Liang.

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