Our Team | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
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Check out our Internviews Part II to get to know Junior Analyst Jasmine Ramos and Junior Copywriter Sarah Kincius!

Whether you're looking to break into digital marketing or you're well-seasoned in the industry, it's always important to brush up on your career skills.

Ella Henning Spotlight

Perfect Search's newest team member comes to us from Spain! Well, kind of. Get to know SEO & Content Analyst Ella. 

Perfect Search’s newest team member loves Queen, the Cubs, and sushi.

Perfect Search is featured on Clutch’s list of top marketing and advertising agencies in the world. Hurrah!

 We've got a new round of Perfect Search's internviews (you know, like intern interviews) just in time for Halloween. Read on to discover their dream Halloween costume.


As of this writing, Perfect Search Media, the digital marketing agency I founded way back in 2010, is eight years old. And business is as complicated as ever.

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Start your journey with a comprehensive site audit.