Opinion | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
Marketing and public relations can be seen as rivals when really, they work better jointly than not. Here are three reasons to consider integrating the two.
With Google constantly improving its search algorithms, content marketing has never had as great of an impact as it does today, because we know at the end of the day that search engines will always value quality content. Here are a few tips to get you going in the right direction.
When trying to understand SEO, one of the biggest difficulties is that it's both practical and theoretical. As a search engine optimizer, it’s my prerogative to come up with strategies and tactics that I know by experience have proven to work.

We all know that technology is constantly changing - sometimes it changes so fast that for consumers it can be difficult to keep up.

The impact of online reviews for restaurants on social sites such as Yelp and Urbanspoon is undeniable, and it’s simply bad business these days to ignore reviews. Not only is it a poor business move, but there are actually advantages to responding and listening to reviews! Here are the top 4 tips for maximizing the potential of online reviews.

People attend networking events for a lot of different reasons: to find new clients, to recruit new talent, to learn something, or even just for the drink tickets- but whatever your purpose is, if you attend events on a regular basis it’s easy to get caught in a rut by going to the same types of events every week. Here are 5 unexpected benefits I’ve experienced while attending these events:

As you all are likely aware, there has been a recent concern over privacy since it was revealed that the NSA was compiling private information about people using information taken from companies like Google.  Whether or not these concerns will have any lasting effect is difficult to say, but t

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