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Marketing and public relations can be seen as rivals when really, they work better jointly than not. Here are three reasons to consider integrating the two.

Many Digital Marketing companies raise a red flag when the word ‘backlinking’ is uttered. However, the reality is that backlinking strategies are not always black and white. Reciprocal links represent the gray area.

Being a newcomer to the world of SEO, I’m finding that staring at rows of data within Google Analytics can be hard to relate back to how users actually navigate a website.

As a social media marketer, it can be frustrating to hear others say that social media offers no business value. Some people may not believe that engagement or social interactions can lead to an increase in sales.
Here are some digital marketing tricks to deal with the fierce competition online among dentists.
Edward Snowden, a formed NSA contractor, spoke to thousands of viewers at SXSW, defending his leaking of NSA data which he argues improved US. National Security by exposing its shortcomings.
A personal-professional twitter (PPT) account is an account that is created for business purposes that utilizes the advantages of personal account characteristics. PPT accounts have an advantage over traditional brand or business accounts because they allow users to connect with a person rather than corporation.

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