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Marketing and public relations can be seen as rivals when really, they work better jointly than not. Here are three reasons to consider integrating the two.
One of the newer channels for digital advertising is, a website known as “the front page of the Internet”. Because of its high potential for engagement, reddit becomes a very interesting advertising option for businesses.

As of January 2015, Google announced that they have made the process of becoming a Google Trusted Store an easier process. If you or your client are an e-commerce site, becoming a Google Trusted Store will set you apart from your competitors in the online space.

One discussion that is popular in the world of digital marketing is the topic of content marketing versus search engine optimization (SEO). While some people used to make a distinction between the two strategies, today content and SEO are incredibly intertwined.
Two recently new advertising platforms of note include Instagram advertising (or “Instagram for Business”) and Snapchat Advertising. Given the popularity and acceptance of the two social networks, their respective advertising platforms are expected to grow in usage as marketing departments learn how to best utilize the interfaces.

The budget tracking tool Steady Budget helps you track and pace monthly spend. After signing up to use the free service (also a major bonus) you link it with your Google AdWords or BingAds account and allow the tool to access the different campaigns you manage.

After receiving negative feedback from users about promotional posts, Facebook has stated that they will be decreasing overly-promotional posts in users’ News Feeds starting this month. This will drastically change social media marketing strategies since promotional posts often serve as free advertising opportunities for businesses.

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