Marketing | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
Marketing and public relations can be seen as rivals when really, they work better jointly than not. Here are three reasons to consider integrating the two.

As consumers, we are more likely to believe what is being advertised when we can relate to the source of the information. That’s where testimonials come in. They can bridge the gap between potential clients and current clients.

If you’re part of a startup, I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times – you should be investing in digital marketing. While this is probably true, there are a lot of things to have in place before taking this step.

Ever wonder what keyword has the most expensive CPC and why? Believe it or not, keyword CPC cost is both industry- and location-specific.
Choosing an agency is a big decision and you want to get it right. I’ve put together 3 things you need to look for when deciding on the right digital marketing agency for you.
Smartphones have brought us into a micro-moment driven world. Find out how your business needs to adapt accordingly in order to succeed.

By 2017, there will be over 132 billion emails send and received per day. Make sure your email doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

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