Infographics | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
Data Driven Content Marketing Infographic

Every day, there's more content published online than you could read in a lifetime. And yet, most marketers feel like their content isn't effective.

“The shift to mobile is no longer happening, or will happen—the shift to mobile has happened.”—from the Google AdWords blog.

In the summer of 2013, the Perfect Search team was struck by curiosity--curiosity over what online products and services people searched for in their day-to-day life. Check out our data and infographic below. Discover what online products your 2013 self might have been searching for.

Last April, I scared my friends into thinking I was a crazy person because I had discovered a passion for something rare. No, not season 11 of The Bachelor. Data visualization.
Check out this info-graphic that visualizes the 3 tips to increase organic traffic for beginners.
Looking for some content inspiration? Here are some ideas to help get you started towards content greatness!
Need help understanding Google's multi-screen world study? Here's a breakdown.

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