Education Industry | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
User Generated Content for Education

User-generated content (UGC) could seriously boost your higher education institution's marketing strategy. Find out how to ace UGC now.

If you've already studied up on the early stages of the higher education sales funnel, you're ready to hit the books on achieving your end goals. Class is now in session.

Besides looking up shark facts, prospective students are also using their access to information to search for colleges--and they’re starting those searches early. 

Sometimes, a small AdWords update can have a huge impact on your search campaigns. Check out 7 AdWords tips to take your account to the next level.

The education decision journey has gone digital. Check out our infographic that explains how prospective students are looking for higher education organizations and what you can do about it.

Enter 2016. Your college application days are probably long past and the Internet has made the gap between educators and students smaller than ever before. With the Internet revolution, education institutions can reach their prospective students much faster.
While family and friends may have been the main influences in your decision, students today are increasingly turning to Google to inform their decision about higher education. Thus, educational institutions are increasingly investing in digital strategies to engage potential students.

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