Design | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
Your ease recognizing brands (big and small alike) is not by accident. An analysis of major brands will bring us closer to the designed reasons for this.
Stock image sites can be a great resource if you learn how to navigate them. The art of choosing stock images is making it seem like they’re not stock images. Below are some tips to find the strongest stock images.

A good website starts with good photography. It allows for a company to showcase its brand in an extremely visual (and often unexpectedly artistic) way, and for people to connect with the brand on a more personal level.

We all know that technology is constantly changing - sometimes it changes so fast that for consumers it can be difficult to keep up.

The need for businesses to have a mobile presence is evident. So, the question isn’t “Should my company invest in a mobile presence?”, but “How should my company invest in a mobile presence?” Here are some pros and cons of responsive sites vs. mobile apps.

If you're thinking about redesigning your website, there are various terms that you should be familiar with before working with an agency. Here's a list defining various web design and development terms and why they're important for you to know.

By now, everyone knows it’s important to create original, quality content. But what triggers a person to share content with their friends, family or social network? Here are the top content characteristics that trigger virality.

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