Design | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
Your ease recognizing brands (big and small alike) is not by accident. An analysis of major brands will bring us closer to the designed reasons for this.

Web design is constantly evolving. New trends and subtleties arrive every year, stretching our view of what’s in. 

Well-designed case studies make good case studies great. Wondering what a well-designed case study entails?

When you’re developing a website, you tend to be more concerned with the nitty-gritty of getting the site to, you know, function than getting it noticed. However, it’s important to incorporate SEO best practices into your new website.

Unlike Spiderman 3, this sequel won’t disappoint. Let’s dive deeper into typography, tone, and images and how they fit into your brand style guide.

Whether you've never heard of conversion rate optimization before or you're a CRO fan like me, discover where your business should try to boost your conversion rates.

When you don’t have a complete brand guideline, this shortlist will help you put together an easy brand style guide for your business. Part I includes a logo and color style guide.

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