From the CEO | Digital Marketing Blog | Perfect Search
An Entrepreneur's Life Lessons
Entrepreneurship can be unpredictable and mistakes are inevitable. Here are our CEO's lessons on how making mistakes leads to growth.
I think I'm addicted to Uber. Beyond just minimizing my commute time, Uber has become useful to me for so many reasons, and it's hard to imagine my life without it. Here are some of the ways it's improved my life.
I’ve recently taken a different approach to improving my lifestyle. I’ve decided to find permanent, scalable solutions, not quick fixes. Here are 2 examples of my attempt to find permanent solutions in the past few months:

After 4 years of entrepreneurship one of the most important lessons I have learned is that almost all problems within the business are resolved through recruiting. From my experience, the impact of a new hire is significantly greater than that of a new client.

Recently, many of our clients and our team have been really interested in perfecting call tracking, by testing providers and manually using numbers on landing pages. The difficulty is that many factors have to occur to make phone tracking show enough statistically significant data to actually improve account performance.

A key performance indicator is a metric that you should pay close attention to because it greatly impacts other things like revenue and potentially profit. It's important to know and understand the three metrics that have the greatest impact for e-commerce businesses.

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